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April 14, 2008

Traffic Exchange


What are traffic exchange sites?

Traffic exchange sites are websites where people exchange their site URLs on to get more visitors.

How does it work?

Traffic exchange sites are usually run on a credit and link exchange ratio system. A link exchange ratio is the ratio of number of sites that you have viewed on the traffic exchange site to the number of credits you will get for viewing these sites. For example is the ratio is 2:1, it means for every 2 views on an advertised web page on the traffic exchange site you will get 1 credit. And this credit can be in turn exchanged for one view on your website.

How do I surf ads?

Almost all the traffic exchange sites uses manual surf programs. Manual surf implies that upon clicking on the ‘surf ad’ button a new browser will be launched and ads will be played. Once the countdown timer at the top of the page hits zero, viewers will be asked to click on a button to proceed to the next ad and to credit them for the ads viewed.

How do I advertise my URLs in traffic exchange sites?

First of all you will need to accumulate enough credits in order to advertise your own URLs. This can be done through surfing ads or purchasing credits using real money. After having enough credits users can the add their URLs into the traffic exchange sites and your web page will be added into the list of advertisements which will be available for viewing.

Generally, users using traffic exchange sites do not emphasize strongly on monetary returns as those using PTCs or PTRs. For many users the main reason for using traffic exchange sites is to allow their URLs to gain more exposure.

How effective are traffic exchange sites in helping to draw visitors?

It all depends on what you are looking for, and what your definition of a page view is. If a page view is merely just someone loading your web page in their browser then a traffic exchange site can bring you lots of visitors. You can get up to 2000 page views a day solely relying on traffic exchange sites.

But if you are looking for visitors who will browse through your content, click on your ads and remember your URL, traffic exchange sites may not be that effective in achieving this target. Most people surfing ads in traffic exchange sites are surfing for credits or other incentives. All they are waiting for is the timer to hit zero and move on to the next ad. Judging from this situation, the number of ‘real’ visitors may not be that many. Perhaps only 2-3 out of 100 visiors from traffic exchange sites are ‘real’ visitors.

How do i get more 'real' visitors?

There are ways to improve the number of ‘real’ visitors from traffic exchange sites. First, you will need to have a captivating title right at the top of the page with a nice template that is able to capture their attention. Many manual surfers do not bother to scroll down the page to check what is at the bottom. So if you were to leave all your best stuff at the bottom, no one is going to take any notice. They will just move on. So put an attractive headline at the top of the page, grab some attention and this increases the chances of people scrolling down to browse through your content. In better scenarios visitors may even make a mental note of your site and visit is again.

Another technique that I recommend to increase your ‘real’ visitor number is to join a few different traffic exchange sites and advertise your URLs at different sites. This is to increase your URL exposure to more individuals. Some individuals only join a single traffic exchange site. So if you were to advertise in site A, people who are in site B and C may not get to see your ads, and you will be missing out on many potential viewers that are in site B and C. The key here is to diversify.

Traffic exchange sites is just one of many ways to increase viewers to your page. It should not be your main way of attracting visitors. I will be writing more on individual traffic exchange sites that are reliable, so stay tuned!

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