A To Z Index - Command List
MacOS Terminal
MacOS Terminal
Below Are List of Command That Can Be Used In MacOS Terminal. This is The Command Shell of Darwin (The Open Source Core of OSX)
- alias - Create an alias• alloc List used and free memory
- awk - Find and Replace text within file(s)
- basename - Convert a full pathname to just a folder path
- bash - Bourne-Again SHell (Linux)
- bless - Set volume bootability and startup disk options.
- break - Exit from a loop
- cal - Display a calendar
- case - Conditionally perform a command
- cat - Display the contents of a file
- cd - Change Directory
- chflags - Change a file or folder's flags.
- chgrp - Change group ownership
- chmod - Change access permissions
- chown - Change file owner and group
- chroot - Run a command with a different root directory
- cksum - Print CRC checksum and byte counts
- clear - Clear terminal screen
- cmp - Compare two files
- comm - Compare two sorted files line by line
- complete - Edit a command completion [word/pattern/list]
- continue - Resume the next iteration of a loop
- cp - Copy one or more files to another location
- cron - Daemon to execute scheduled commands
- crontab - Schedule a command to run at a later date/time
- cut - Divide a file into several parts
- date - Display or change the date & time
- dc - Desk Calculator
- dd - Data Dump - Convert and copy a file
- df - Display free disk space
- diff - Display the differences between two files
- diff3 - Show differences among three files
- dirname - Convert a full pathname to just a path
- dirs - Display list of remembered directories
- diskutil - Disk utilities - Format, Verify, Repair
- ditto - Copy files and folders
- dscl - Directory Service command line utility
- du - Estimate file space usage
- echo Display message on screen
- ed - A line-oriented text editor (edlin)
- enable - Stop or start printers and classes.
- env - Set environment and run a utility
- eval - Evaluate several commands/arguments
- exec - Execute a command
- exit - Exit the shell
- expect - Programmed dialogue with interactive programs. Also see AppleScript
- expand - Convert tabs to spaces
- expr - valuate expressions
- false - Do nothing, unsuccessfully
- fdisk - Partition table manipulator for Darwin UFS/HFS/DOS
- find - Search for files that meet a desired criteria
- fmt - Reformat paragraph text
- fold - Wrap text to fit a specified width
- foreach - Loop, expand words, and execute commands
- fsck - Filesystem consistency check and repair
- ftp - Internet file transfer program
- GetFileInfo - Get attributes of HFS+ files
- getopt - Parse positional parameters
- goto - Jump to label and continue execution
- grep - Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
- groups - Print group names a user is in
- gzip - Compress or decompress files
- head - Display the first lines of a file
- history - Command History
- hostname - Print or set system name
- id - Print user and group names/id's
- if - Conditionally perform a command
- info - Help info
- install - Copy files and set attributes
- jobs - List active jobs
- join - Join lines on a common field
- kill - Stop a process from running
- l - List files in long format (ls -l)
- ll - List files in long format, showing invisible files (ls -la)
- less - Display output one screen at a time
- ln - Make links between files (hard links, symbolic links)
- locate - Find files
- logname - Print current login name
- login - log into the computer
- logout - Exit a login shell (bye)
- lpr - Print files
- lprm - Remove jobs from the print queue
- lpstat - Printer status information
- ls - List information about file(s)
- lsbom - List a bill of materials file
- lsof - List open files
- man - Help manual
- mkdir - Create new folder(s)
- mkfifo - Make FIFOs (named pipes)
- more - Display output one screen at a time
- mount - Mount a file system
- mv - Move or rename files or directories
- net - Manage network resources
- nice - Set the priority of a command
- nohup - Run a command immune to hangups
- onintr - Control the action of a shell interrupt
- open - Open a file/folder/URL/Application
- osascript - Execute AppleScript
- passwd - Modify a user password
- paste - Merge lines of files
- pico - Simple text editor
- popd - Restore the previous value of the current directory
- pr - Convert text files for printing
- printenv - Print environment variables
- printf - Format and print data
- ps - Process status
- pushd - Save and then change the current directory
- pwd - Print Working Directory
- quota - Display disk usage and limits
- rcp - Copy files between machines.
- repeat - Execute a command multiple times
- rm - Remove filesrmdir Remove folder(s)
- rpm - Remote Package Manager
- rsync - Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
- RsyncX - Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
- say - Convert text to audible speech
- sched - Schedule a command to run at a later time
- sdiff - Merge two files interactively
- sed - Stream Editor
- set - Set a shell variable = value
- setenv - Set an environment variable = value
- setfile - Set attributes of HFS+ files
- shift - Shift positional parameters
- shutdown - Shutdown or restart OS X
- sleep - Delay for a specified time
- softwareupdate - System software update tool
- sort - Sort text files
- split - Split a file into fixed-size pieces
- stop - Stop a job or process
- su - Substitute user identity
- sudo - Execute a command as another user
- sum - Print a checksum for a file
- switch - Conditionally perform a command
- tail - Output the last part of files
- tar - Tape ARchiver
- tee - Redirect output to multiple files
- test - Condition evaluation
- time - Measure Program Resource Use
- touch - Change file timestamps
- traceroute - Trace Route to Hosttr Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
- true - Do nothing, successfully
- tty - Print filename of terminal on stdin
- umask - Users file creation mask
- umount - Unmount a device
- unalias - Remove an alias
- uname - Print system information
- unexpand - Convert spaces to tabs
- uniq - Uniquify files
- units - Convert units from one scale to another
- unset - Remove variable or function names
- unsetenv - Remove environment variable
- users - Print login names of users currently logged in
- uuencode - Encode a binary file
- uudecode - Decode a file created by uuencode
- wc - Print byte, word, and line counts
- where - Report all known instances of a command
- which - Locate a program file in the user's pathwhile Execute commands
- who - Print all usernames currently logged on
- whoami - Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
- xargs - Execute utility - passing arguments
- yes - Print a string until interrupted
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